Boardroom Electronic Signage Networks
An Boardroom Electronic Signage Network (ESN) in your firm can serve multiple purposes: It will promote your firm's image, inform visitors and staff and protect everyone on your premises. ESN can combine planned messages as well as security alerts triggered manually by security staff or automatically by your monitoring system. Being digital, individual displays can be triggered by electronic identifiers such as smoke, light, temperature, hazardous materials detectors or even biometrics. An emergency alert can be flashed on a display in mid presentation when necessary. Using "Dynamic Image Provisioning Applications" (DIPA), images and information may be dispatched for display to specific locations at times appropriate to your objectives. ESNs can respond to Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), biometric, hazardous materials and other triggers. Dual use of an ESN is likely to be very cost effective with displays serving both commercial and public safety purposes. Measures that help reduce loss of life or injury may be expected to result in lower insurance costs.

You can deliver your message and program it to suit your different audiences at different times of the day or season and vary your message to each location. In corporate environments relevant ESN messages may be addressed to visitors according to the department they are visiting or to staff announcing share prices or information relevant to the hour of the day. Systems can be programmed to respond to different scenarios. When a fire alarm sounds all screens could display information on how to reach the nearest exits.
ESNs offer the impact of animated and motion images in various formats at a particular location or at multiple locations. ESNs consist of a number of electronic displays, presenting passers by with images and text which may be communicated automatically to the screen. Communication is controlled by DIPA software. Screens of various types including LED, LCD, CRT and Plasma may all be combined and included in your network. ESNs may consist of a few displays in a single location all the way to hundreds of displays in a large number of branches citywide or even countrywide. By splitting the display screen and allowing more messages per screen, significant cost reductions can be achieved.
ESN displays multiple images of very high quality at the precise location in which a viewer needs information and can make use of the information displayed. The message elicits action in a cost-effective way. Various studies have shown the effectiveness of electronic display: Measures such as attention capture, recall rate and decision influence have proven significantly better than static signage. An InfoTrends Study found that digital signage displays increased the average purchase by 29.5% and 47.7% effectiveness in brand awareness. With such attention capture, an ESN is perfect for both promoting your business and protecting those present on your premises.
ESNs can be designed to receive signals automatically or after a human decision from monitoring systems. Surveillance devices such as cameras can feed into the ESN. Alerts based on these signals can be conveyed to the relevant public in the threatened area. The display could instantaneously display a message as to nearest exits or nearest safe areas thus minimizing the unnecessary damage.
Various common display systems which can be combined into a unified ESN
- Advertising to customers
- Informing visitors and directing them to their destinations
- Communicating production and business information to staff in real time
- Alerts to threats in real time
- Control room monitors
- Entertainment in waiting rooms
- Presentations
- Training
- Display walls
Contact Magen
If you are designing your Boardroom systems now or considering upgrading your facilities, contact Magen Boardroom Systems now. Let us review your plans and help you develop your ideas. Let Magen help you identify your needs, design the installations, advise on equipment selection, install the sound system and train your staff in its use. We can help you build better Boardroom systems and avoid mistakes that may cost you later.